Day 38: Gavin's Big Day (6/29)

Today Gavin walked!!

OK, OK maybe he didn't exactly walk but he took his first steady, calculated step!
Just last week Gavin wasn't standing on his own, but in the last week has has gone from standing a few seconds when I let go of both his hands to transferring from objects standing including a step and with nothing within grasping area actual steps!!

It's so exciting and sad at the same time.

I am so excited to see Gavin learn so quickly. It's amazing how fast his mind and muscles develop. He is so resilient to keep trying over and over again hoping to get a different result instead of a plop to the floor.

However,  I must say that Gavin has the softest, slowest fall that I have ever seen from in a baby.

I will not be surprised if Gavin is walking in the next weeks. Oh Lord, help us all; not only will we have an avid climber but a walker too!!  :)

Not only is Gavin making he way into the walking world but today he also wanted to try his way into the feeding world. I was trying to be witty but I don't think it worked!

Anyway, at supper Gavin was bound and determined to feed himself. Every time the spoon got any where close to his grasp, he had a tight grip on the spoon. And the big boy brought the spoon to his mouth every time!!

He loved it! A mom can tell when her baby feels accomplished and he did today! He was a mess after feeding himself a large bowl of Chicken and Veggies.

I ♥ love ♥ Gavin Clay so much!

1 comment:

  1. love this post, kinda makes me miss my girls being babies & all the cool stuff they do! Good job Gavin!!
