Day 26: Some of my Daddy (6/17)

This could end up being a really long post because of the tangents I could go off on, so I will explain my picture and hope that you will continue reading my blog for the rest of the stories.

Today my mom and I went to zumba. My dad, Gary, went with us; he just drove us and then went to have dinner at KFC, one of his favorite places to eat.  On the way home we stopped at McDonald's for a small (hopefully healthy) dinner, I got a snack wrap and a parfait. Since Dad already ate he wanted dessert, ice cream, really an Oreo McFlurry.

While he waited outside, my mom went to get the food and I went to Redbox to rent a movie. We ended up renting Dear John; which surprisingly I didn't like very much, the ending was horrible. Anyway back to my original post. Before we got out of the car Mom took our orders. Here's the conversation repeated as close to my memory:

Mom: Want do you two want?
Daddy: I want ice cream.
Emily: I want a honey mustard grilled chicken snack wrap and a parfait.
Mom: OK. Gary, what kind of ice cream?
Gary: An oreo McFlurry and (this is what inspired my post) tell them to cram it full of oreo and don't skimp on the ice-cream.

Honestly at the time I didn't think it was that funny just a something that Dad might say any day of the week. That was until I heard Mom repeat word-for-word back to the Carla and Terry. They both laughed and asked where he was and laughed again over how he wanted his McFlurry.

Now that I think about how he ordered his ice-cream it tickles my funny bone. I giggle and think, "That's my daddy." It's even funnier that on the way home he had my mom hold the steering wheel so that he could "get all his goodies" at the bottom of his McFlurry. :)

I very much enjoying this summer with my parents!

I do want to comment on something that isn't about my origial post. I have always called my dad, Daddy, ever since I could talk, so do my three sisters. Even though I am 27 years old, I still call him Daddy as do my sisters. I don't find it odd or weird that as I grew up Daddy, didn't change to Dad. In public, I still call him Daddy and it's been commented on, more than once, by friends and strangers alike.  It's who he is to me and just because I am 27 doesn't mean he isn't that same daddy he was to me when I was three, he didn't change, the way I look at him didn't change, why should his name?

As I have mentioned in an earlier post about my sisters we have come up with various names for my dad over the years. The two I use the most? Garbo and Fatty!! :)

1 comment:

  1. i love this post about your daddy!! in fact it brought a tear to my eye because it makes me think of my dad, how much i love him, & all the many things that make him, him. i think one of the most important relationships a girl can have is with her dad. what a blessing that you have such a great one with yours. i thank God everyday that my girls have such a wonderful daddy too!
