Day 59: My Baby Boys (2/28)

I was looking through old Facebook photos and came across one of gavin and I thought oh em gee, he looks just like Wes. So I put the same onesie on Wes and took a picture, then set them side by side, and posted it on Facebook asking if anyone could tell the difference. They look so much alike that it's crazy.

Can you tell the difference? {Answer below!}

Nana thinks the boys look nothing a like but I'm not so sure. :)

Gavin is on the left and Wes is on the right. They are taken around the same age.

Day 56: Holding Hands (2/27)

Whenever I lay the twins close enough to touch they always end up wrapping their arms. LOVE. They really enjoy being next to each other and will usually calm down faster if the other is near. It's so fun to watch them interact. They will look for each other and sometime coo at one another like they are talk. They follow Gavin around with their eyes and smile at the silly things that he does. They are becoming so aware of their surroundings.

Day 56: Relaxing with Twins (2/25)

After a long day at work, there is nothing I love more than coming home and holding my babies.

Day 55: New Cubs Hat (2/24)

Gavin's t-ball is the Cubs and one of the mom's made these hats. I was so excited to get one. They are super cute!!

Day 54: Softball (2/23)

The first softball game since I was pregnant with the babies back in April 2012. It was so cold but we packed up the entire family and headed to the fields. The babies made it through exactly ONE game before they headed home with Rennie. {I was playing on a women's team.} Gavin stayed with me throughout the day and crashed around 4 for a two hour nap in the bleachers. I really like the idea of my children growing up at the softball fields. However, I think that I am done playing for a while. With three kids {two babies} it's just hard to find someone to watch them on the weekends and I want to spend my weekend time with them instead of trying to juggle playing and watching the kids. We will see what happens this summer. 

Day 53: Garvis the Babysitter (2/22)

We needed a babysitter today and Garvis graciously offered us his service. We had talked a few days before and I wanted to make sure he thought he could handle it. It's scary knowing that there are two babies and you'll be by yourself. I wanted to make sure he was ok with that.  He even offered to keep Gavin at the house. Usually, Gavin goes to daycare and the twins stay home with a babysitter.

Garvis must of been feeling brave and I tried to talk him out of keeping Gavin too. Alas the baby whisper {as he calls himself!} didn't need much help. He had the twins sleeping in their own crib at one point. A feat I was proud of when I accomplished it myself.

He said it all went well but I do love that he said, "I've decided that anybody born with twins she should be automatically assigned someone to help, like a nannie."

I totally agree, sometimes two hands isn't enough. At times, when I get one baby down, I think to myself if I only had one I could relax but then the other child starts to cry or needs something and off I go again!

At times I use this blog as a diary so I am going to say this: raising one baby sounds so much easier after having twins. I know when I had Gavin, it was difficult and I thought I would never sleep or rest again but now with twins, Gavin as a baby was a breeze and I never realized it!

Good luck to those with a new baby and GOD BLESS those with twins!! :)

Day 52: Snow Day (2/21)

I received a phone call at 5:56 am this morning and school was canceled! Rallie was already in our bed and Wes wasn't far behind at 6:32 am and Gavin was right behind him at 6:44 am. The babies need a diaper change so off came their jammies and they received their morning bottles {4 oz each!} and on came the cartoons {for Gavin} and everyone was content. Even Boog who was enjoying a rare nap on the bed. So I had to get a picture! This picture will be a great keepsake for years to come and I will always remember the feeling I had when I took it: LOVE, happiness and contentment. I love my family!

Since I had the day off I decided to use it to get Wes checked out at the doctors. He has some bad cradle crap {I know it's cradle cap but crap sounds better} and some eczema on his face and arms. The doctor gave us a prescription for a steroid and then all this wonderful formula! I am so blessed! It was definitely worth the co-pay and the doctor's appointment. 

Day 50: Growing Babies (2/19)

They are growing so fast and I am enjoying every moment. However, I am ready for them to be able to hold their own bottles! ;)

Day 49: Kindle Reading (2/18)

After reading about Chris Kyle in the news, I thought I would try his autobiography. I've enjoyed it so far and find it really interesting. Good read. 

Day 48: Rallie's Ears are Pierced (2/17)

Rallie got her ears pierced today. We just put little stainless steal balls in. They look so cute and Rallie did so well. She cried after each piercing but as soon as she was given a bottle she quit crying. What a cutie!!

Day 46: the Nickell Girls (2/15)

I am so excited to have a daughter. Just being around my mom at 30 makes me appreciate all the things she and I have shared and can not wait to share some of those same things with Rallie! 

{Plus it doesn't hurt to include a picture of myself every now and then.}

Day 45: Happy Valentines (2/14)

We had a wonderful day and I am so lucky and blessed to share my life with such a wonderful husband. I've enjoyed every moment together and look forward to many more.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away." - Unknown Arthur

Day 43: Snow Fall (2/12)

It was the first snow fall of the year and most likely the last. I wonder if we will have a snow day tomorrow? I doubt it. 

Gavin was so excited to go out and play. 

Day 42: Feeding the Babies (2/11)

Today, I went back to work.

I left the house early to talk to the babysitter about what Rallie and Wes like and what to expect, however I started crying as soon as Wes smiled at me while taking him out of his car seat. I had to leave or I was going to break down.

I've been pumping for a while. The babies like the bottle better {maybe because they don't have to work at getting fed!} So I pump most days and will continue to do so at work. It's one thing I do not enjoy about having a baby. I wish there was an easier way to give them breast milk. 

I did make it through the day. 

Day 41: Cuddle Time on New Loveseat (2/10)

First off, please excuse my lounging look! 

Second, I go back to work tomorrow. :( 

I wanted to spend as much time as I could holding Wes and Rallie before tomorrow comes and I have to leave them. 

Third, we got a new couch and loveseat. Rennie picked them out and I love the lounging feature. So comfy. :)

Day 40: Girls Spa Day (2/9)

Today, my Grandma, Mom, and sisters spent the day getting pampered. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of the six of us. {What was I thinking?!} So I took a screen shot of the spa we spent the day at. We had three treatments: an hour massage, a facial and a vichy shower. 

Before we went to the spa, we went out to lunch at Chili's {Grandma's choice} and then headed to the spa where we spent almost 4 hours getting pampered. 

It was amazing!

I've had a massage before but the facial and the vichy shower was new to me. I enjoyed both but the vichy shower was great. They rub you down with exfoliating salt and then you lay under sprays of water. It leaves you feeling clean and amazing. 

I will definitely be trying it again. {Maybe talk Rennie into a day together! :)}

What a wonderful treat!

Day 39: Baking Cupcakes (2/8)

I've been in the baking mood every since Rennie "made" me make those peanut butter cupcakes. Today will sitting around I wanted to make another kind and decided on these Cookie & Creme cupcakes. They are made with Oreos {my favorite!} They were so delicious! 

Day 38: Two Month Pictures (2/7)

"I'm not lucky, I'm blessed." - Leon Schluge 

{I wish that he could of met my babies. He would of been so tickled to see me having twins.}

Day 37: Two Month Doctors Appt (2/6)

My babies are getting so big! I can't believe how much they are growing. It's amazing how lucky and blessed we are to have such healthy, perfectly developing twins. Rallie and Wes are in the top 75% for their weight and in the top 90% for height {even 95 percentile for Wes!}

It was scary to have two babies at once because there was twice as much to worry about. These last two months have been amazing watching two babies grow together and differently. I look forward to the years with these two little bundles of joy.

They are going to be such a mess! I can't wait!!

BONUS: Every time I go to the doctors I ask for free samples of formula. I asked the doctor and she brought me six cans and then the nurse came in and asked what was in the bag and I told her. She said hold on and brought me four more! 

I can't explain how grateful we are for the free formula. The twins will go through one of these cans in 24 hours and we spend so much money on formula alone that anything helps. It is crazy how much these babies eat. 

I wish that I would of realized that while I was pregnant and stocked up on the stuff like we did with diapers. 

Day 36: Practicing Letters (2/5)

The iPhone is such a great tool. I have this wonderful app that allows Gavin to trace his letters for practice. He loves doing it. It's called Letter Quiz {see below} and it was only $0.99. 

He's only three and enjoys anything to do with letters and numbers. I like to think that I am preparing him for pre-K.  He's such a smart boy. 

Day 35: Surprise Trip to Stroud (2/4)

Dana called me up this morning and asked what I was doing today. Of course, I had nothing planned because it was Monday. So she wanted to know if I would like to meet in Stroud and surprise my mom with a visit. Of course, I said yes. 

I can't believe the weather in Feburary. It's beautiful and the kids wore off some energy outside. Even the twins enjoyed some sunlight, something they are probably unfamiliar with so far in their life. Dad came home and pushed the kids on the tire swing.

Dad also made some chicken wings and fries for dinner and Dana made bomb brownies that tasted more like a molten cake {yum!}

At the end of the day, I changed all the kids into their jammies and drove home.

What a wonderful day with family. 

Day 34: Super Bowl Sunday (2/3)

My parents, Sami and Garvis came over to watch the game. We had lots of great food {my cupcakes included!} and had a wonderful time watching the game together and visiting. 

The game was between the San Fransico 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens. Rennie and I had a bet on the game and I was rooting for the Ravens to win. They did and I get a 10 minute massage! It was a fun night and enjoyed my family and the food.

During the game, Gavin got bored and decided to take some pictures of his own. I complied some and added them to the frame below. My mom and Rennie had more fun with it than Garvis and my dad. :)

Day 33: Newborn Pictures (2/2)

These are just a few of the newborn pictures we had taken when the babies were six days old. They turned out wonderfully even though the session went horribly. 

The photographer posted on Facebook looking for newborns twins for a cheap session. She was located in Arkansas City but it would only cost me $40 for every proof and no sitting fee. I couldn't turn it down. So my  mom and I drove the two hours to Ark City and the babies slept the whole way. 

Once we got there they needed to sleep throughout the session but that did not happen! They cried for almost 4 hours straight only stopping to eat. My mom was ready to be done 2 hours into the session but I was sure they would wear themselves out! I was soooo wrong. The photographer was so patient but after 4 hours, I stopped it and said, "I'm done!" and as soon as we put them in the car they slept all the way home.

She was able to get 27 great pictures and I {MIGHT} have done it all again for these pictures!

Day 32: Pretty Girl (2/1)

Love this picture of Rallie. I love putting headbands on her. This one makes her look like a softball player. :)