Day 37: Two Month Doctors Appt (2/6)

My babies are getting so big! I can't believe how much they are growing. It's amazing how lucky and blessed we are to have such healthy, perfectly developing twins. Rallie and Wes are in the top 75% for their weight and in the top 90% for height {even 95 percentile for Wes!}

It was scary to have two babies at once because there was twice as much to worry about. These last two months have been amazing watching two babies grow together and differently. I look forward to the years with these two little bundles of joy.

They are going to be such a mess! I can't wait!!

BONUS: Every time I go to the doctors I ask for free samples of formula. I asked the doctor and she brought me six cans and then the nurse came in and asked what was in the bag and I told her. She said hold on and brought me four more! 

I can't explain how grateful we are for the free formula. The twins will go through one of these cans in 24 hours and we spend so much money on formula alone that anything helps. It is crazy how much these babies eat. 

I wish that I would of realized that while I was pregnant and stocked up on the stuff like we did with diapers. 

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