Day 91: Parking Daddy (1/31)

Gavin likes to direct Rennie into the garage. Gavin and I always have to get out of the car before Rennie can pull into the garage because it's a tight fit. 

Gavin loves to climb up onto the freezer and wave Rennie in. It has become a tradition!

Check out the video of Gavin waving Rennie in!

Day 90: Book Conference (1/30)

I'm was in heaven for a little bit today!

I was at a professional development that was all about the new books of the year. The conference talked about new books this year and ways to use them in the classroom. I loved it! 

Not only was I given great ideas for my library but I also have added books to my personal list to read. I want to share my list in case of any other interested readers out there. These books are all young adult books but they are all promising. Look them up on Amazon if you are interested.

The Friendship Doll - Kirby Lawson
Sylvia & Avi - Winifred Conkling
Dead End in Norvelt - Jack Gantos
Wildwood - Colin Meloy
Jefferson's Sons - Kimberly Bradley
No Passengers Beyond this Point - Gennifer Choldenko

I am so excited to have new books to add to my ever growing list of books to read!

Day 89: Graham's (1/28)

I love nights out! How appropriately that we head out to the country bar Graham's with out friends the Grahams! {I know that was kinda dorky to point out but its funny.} 

Our friends were in the city for a baseball conference and we decided to hit the town. I enjoyed the night it was FABULOUS. ;)

Day 88: Things that go Bump in the Night (1/27)

Does the punching bag look scary to you?

Of course not but how many times have I walked out of my bedroom at night and been started by it?

At least three!

Day 85: Nerdy Gavin! (1/26)

Michelle {Gavin's babysitter} sent me this picture today!

I loved it! I made me laugh out loud. 

Day 86: Surprising Game! (1/25)

We used to have Oklahoma State Men's Basketball season tickets. However as the years went on and other, more important things {Gavin} came up we let our tickets go. We weren't that upset because honestly the program has been on a slippery downhill slope and it wasn't the same Gallager-Iba that it used to be. 

Tonight, Rennie had a friend offer free tickets to the Missouri game. I am assuming that they were free for many reasons but one being that Missouri was ranked #2 at the time and we had an under .500 record. It wasn't predicted to be a great game.

We went for old-times sake. It's so sad to see a half full GIA and it wasn't nearly as loud as it used to be. However, it was a GREAT game! 

The Cowboys pulled off an amazing upset!! I always enjoy a great game in Iba. I <3 my Pokes!

Day 85: New Breakfast (1/24)

Ever since I started this diet, the easiest thing to eat and one of the healthiest is hard boiled eggs. Thank goodness I enjoys eggs. This isn't so bad!

Day 84: Resisting Temptation (1/23)

After the library was used for a luncheon, I came back to TWO pieces of wonderful looking cake on my desk.

Damn me and my diet!

I swiped the icing just once then threw both pieces away! :(

Day 82: Time with Nana and PopPop (1/21)

Gavin and I went to Stroud on Friday night and spend the night with my Mom and Dad. The next day we headed out to Cushing to visit PopPop at work and eat at the Chiense buffet where Aunt Sami showed up. 

I always enjoy heading to Stroud and Gavin loves spending time with Nana and PopPop. He thinks he can get whatever he wants from Nana and PopPop and most of the time he does. They spoil him very much and are proud of that fact!

I don't know how many times PopPop has watched the movies Monsters Inc.

Nana made one of the best crock pot dinners and walked with me each day. I love going home...

Day 81: The Guard of the Tortillas (1/20)

Gavin's favorite food is "pancakes" or in the real world tortillas. We have a family tradition of Mexican food on Friday and Gavin has appointed himself the Guard of the Tortillas. He likes to tuck them away where he can only reach them and hand them out when needed. It's his favorite thing about eating at the Mexican restuartnt. He is a dork!

Day 80: How to Color (1/19)

Today we pulled out the crayons and colored pencils to draw. I don't leave them within Gavin's reach for just in case reasons. When I came back with the coloring books, this is how I found the colored pencils. All lined up and facing the same direction. I love my kinda OCD child. :)

Day 79: Carts of Books! (1/18)

I don't have time to put books away!! This is a constant in my library and it hurts my stomach that I can't put these back on the shelves quickly enough. :)

Day 78: Kindle Fire (1/17)

I got a Kinde Fire!!

I love it. One of the best things about this is that I can loan Kindle books from the OKC Public Library write from my couch. 

It's a great investment and have enjoyed reading at all times. I hated having to find proper light to read and now I can read whenever I want. 

I love it!  

Day 77: Big Boy Haircut (1/16)

Well we finally did it!!

Gavin lost his little boy hair cut and received a big boy haircut. 

We have been talking about it for sometime and after we took his two year old pictures we figured it was now or never. I absolutely love it! It changes his entire face and look. It makes him look so much older {which is the part I am not so happy with!} and its so much easier to take care of. He loves to put gel in it like Daddy. 

What a cutie!

Day 76: Creative and Sneaky (1/15)

Today it was just Gavin and I at the house. I went to use the bathroom. And I come back to find the kitchen in this fashion. 

I asked Gavin if he had a cookie and he told me no. I asked him if he was use and he said yes. :) 

I like how he turned over every single cookie so it was face down. He is wacky!!

Day 75: Making Cookies (1/14)

Gavin loves to bake. He likes to dump things into the bowl and stir. He doesn't however like the hand blender. It makes to much noise! :) 

Today we made chocolate cookies from scratch.

Day 74: Library Bond Money (1/13)

This semester we have received approximately $7 per student to spend on materials for the school library. So I have around $12,000 to spend in the next month on items for my library!! 

You would think that getting to spend almost $12,000 in books would be an exciting job, well it is! However, I have spent at this time around $5,500 and it's taken me a week. It has been way harder than I thought to spend that kind of money! 

I am enjoying this process and am learning so much. Who wouldn't love a job and where you get to buy books all day?!?!!

Day 73: Gavin's Gift (1/12)

Gavin made me this fruit-loop necklace at his babysitters today. He was so excited to give it to me! I am going to wear it for the rest of the day and maybe tomorrow to school.

Day 71: Walmart Lines (1/10)

If I didn't need my medicine tonight, I would not be standing in this pharmacy line in Walmart. This was ridiculous!! 

Day 69: Fourth Bottle with Friends (1/8)

Last night we had Cheyenne, Natalie and their girls come over. We spent the night talking and enjoying bottles of wine. I could get all personal and create a really long story of friendships on this blog but like I've said before not everything needs to be published on the internet. I just want to say that it's nice to find friends that you are comfortable enough to share your "fourtttthhhhh" bottle of wine with!

Natalie also has a blog in which she shares a picture a day. Check it out here, she is also using the same picture for day! :)

Day 68: Hanging Out with Rye & Cort (1/7)

The last couple of days, Gavin has asking about Rye. So this week when I found out that Rye and Cort where at my mom's house this weekend, we decided to spend a few hours in Stroud playing. They always have so much fun together. The first picture of Gavin and Rye is not posed, Gavin did that on his own! 

Day 67: Playing (1/6)

What can Gavin bring into his jumpy-jump that has to do with wrestling? I guess he wanted a cage match...

Day 66: Alter of Eden (1/5)

One of my new favorite authors to read: James Rollins. His books are in the sci-fi genre and throughly intriguing and a fast read. If you haven't read anything by him, definitely check him out! 

Day 65: Family Photos (1/4)

With permission.

Today we took family pictures. Gavin is such a ham! He followed the photographies every direction and was great at making the faces he was told. He laughed through the whole shoot and was fun to be around. I was so proud of him. 

We also took some family photos with Gavin, I am so excited to see them all!

We took these pictures with Uniquely U Photography. They also have a great facebook page, you should definitely check it out!

Day 63: Fiesta Bowl (1/2)

WHAT AN AMAZING TRIP! I am not talking about the 30 hours in the car during the three day trip. The game was totally worth the entire trip. Here's our story about the Fiesta Bowl win:

We showed up to the stadium about 2 hours before game time {we were excited what can I say} and found our seats with Susan and Brian in the end zone. During this 2 hour break you can insert a small misunderstanding between Rennie and I about our seats. I think that sitting in the end-zone isn't one of the best seats in the stadium FOR ME! I can not tell where the ball is located on the field and how much gain or loss is made on the field during the play. Also the seats were directly under the jumbo-tron so when we wanted to see a replay we had to turn around to see it. Please don't take this as complaining. I wasn't, I was just stating my opinion on why the Alumni Association didn't give out what I thought could be better seats. I also couldn't tell if Weeden was passing or throwing until after the play. I guess I am so used to sitting along the side of a football field that sitting in the end-zone messed with my perceptions. 

 So after a quarter in these seats, Rennie finally agreed that we could move to other seats where some friends and Garvis and Sami were sitting. Honestly I could better appreciated the game from these seats. The jumbo-tron was easier to see, I could hear the announcer {the acoustics in the end-zone were apparently horrible} and I could see the play and players better. However, we were in the Stanford crowd but more about that later. So now that we were seated in our seats we could begin to watch this game. 

Oh man, did we play horrible the entire game. Let me rephrase that, our OFFENSE play horrible. Our defense kept us in that game. I was so upset the entire game, upset with our team and pissed that we were going to lose this game. {I had no faith!} As the game wears down to the last seconds and Stanford is driving towards their end-zone for a field goal, Rennie says, "OK, you ready to head down?" Now I am NOT a fan of fans leaving early, I hate to do that but everyone else started down the stairs and I caved to peer pressure. Now I had the pleasure of walking down the stairs alone and all I heard all the way down were Stanford fans yelling at me for leaving early {like 0:03 is early in a game!!} but I kept my mouth shut because I agreed! 

We get to the bottom of the tier and watch Stanford miss the field goal!

I was so pissed that I walked down those stairs!! Rennie turned to me and said you ready to go back? I thought Um, hell no! I just listen to those fans going down. No way was I listening to them going back up!! So we finished the game in the small area at the bottom of the stairs!

But what an amazing way to end the game! It was so worth the trip to Glendale, AZ and I am happy I was there to experience OSU's first BSC bowl game appearance.