Day 90: Happy Easter (3/31)


Thank goodness, the Easter bunny didn't bring candy! Gavin had enough energy without adding a sugar high to it as well. Church was difficult to say the least and then heading to the Cowboy Hall of Fame for bunch might have been a disaster if we were a little more high strung. Gavin is just a little hard to handle these days and I know it's because he's trying to figure out going from only child to one of three but some days I just wanna scream and shake him! However, after settling down to eat we had a very enjoyable brunch with our families. I really love getting dressed up for Easter and then going out to eat with my family somewhere "fancy." It was a really nice morning. 

We came home and opened up all the windows and doors {finally!} and did a little weekend cleaning. Overall, not a bad Easter. Loving my life!

Day 89: Easter Eve (3/30)

We had a very busy day today. As a family, we ran to Stillwater to pick up the t-ball shirts for Gavin's team {games start Monday!!} and then came home and rode bikes, then Rennie and Gavin both got haircuts. Gavin even gave Rennie his! 

The Easter bunny came and left the babies a treat. No candy this year because he knew Gavin got sick at school eating too much candy and thought that he had had enough! Don't worry Mese and BR provided some more on Easter! The Easter bunny was looking for all Nike sandals but apparently they don't come that small. :( 

On a side note: just running an errand to Stillwater makes me want to move back every time. Someday we will move back to Stillwater. I feel as if that's our town! Love me some Stillwater. 

Day 88: Chuck E Cheese (3/29)

Aunt Dana, Uncle Jeff, Rye and Cort met Nana, PopPop and Busia at Chuck E Cheese tonight for some fun time. The kids loved it and ran crazy. I didn't get any pictures inside {you know busy with twins and stuff!} but I was able to snap this one outside. It was a fun night and Gavin really enjoyed it! 

Day 87: Letters (3/28)

Nana and PopPop are wonderful at sending letters in the mail. So are Aunt Sharman and Uncle Brad, they both never miss a holiday. Gavin loves ripping them open and "reading" them. He really likes opening Rallie's and Wes' for them. I don't think he's going to like it when they are able to do it for themselves! 

Day 86: BabyWise (3/27)

I've been doing a little research in hopes of finding something to help the twins sleep better through the night. I found this little true nugget of information. Rallie is a great self-comforter, however my sweet little Wes certainly tests my patience. I just keep saying "This too shall pass" over and over each night. 

Day 85: Rice Cereal (3/26)

We tried rice cereal tonight. Rallie is definitely and eater, Wes not so much! They both need a little practice however I think Rallie will do fine. Wes may have to wait a bit, I don't think he's quite ready. It's funny to see how different they are! 

Day 84: New Books (3/25)

Over spring break these books were delivered to the school. I am so excited I love new books {putting them away, not so much!} I already have my first four picked out! LOVE READING, I just hope I can find some time soon. :)

Day 83: Last day of Spring Break (3/24)

Last night one of my friends from school called me and asked if I would paint with her at Art of the Heart. I said sure and we painted a picture called Splash of Poppies. It was fun but one of the harder paintings I've done!

We also colored Easter Eggs. Gavin was sooo excited. The twins of course didn't have a clue but it's still fun to pretend. I always enjoy coloring eggs and next year we are going to have to do more than a dozen because everyone is going to want to color!

Day 82: Rice Cereal (3/23)

Rice cereal is in our close future. I thought I would prepare with a box and new spoons. We are hoping that this will help get the twins through the night or at least sleeping longer than what they are now!

Day 81: Sparkly Things (3/22)

A new iPhone case and a glass of wine! I love spring break and don't want to see it end. 

Day 78: Sleep Over (3/19)

It was still spring break for us so we thought that we would invite Rye and Cort over for a sleep over. It was an exciting night. Rye and Gavin went to t-ball practice and then we had pizza. Of course, after all that we had to have a bath together {but it didn't last long, Cort pulled the plug on that one!} The next day Rye and Gavin went to see Wreck it Ralph. Overall, it went pretty well but you should of seen Gavin's room the next day!

Day 77: Damn Candy Crush (3/18)

This game drives me nuts and I started playing well before Sami and Garvis. They have passed me and I am stuck on this dang level. I started play when I went of bed rest and have continued while breast feeding {it was a great way to stay entertain when you're stuck feeding!} I don't get to play as much as I used to but I enjoy it just the same.

Day 76: Dallas Day Two (3/17)

Rennie's favorite place to go in Dallas in the Traders Village. It's like. Huge flea market. I really enjoy it too. This year we tinted the van window, fixed the scratch that I put in the side of the van, bought one of the most awesomest stroller, and a few other knick-knacks. This stroller can hook to the back of a bike so we can take the twins on a bike ride. Gavin sits in a seat on the back of Rennie's bike. {I'm sure there will be pictures of that this summer!}

Overall, a pretty good trip down to Dallas. We wanted to go to Ikea but we were exhausted after Trader's Village. Can't wait until next time!

Day 75: Dallas Day One (3/16)

For our spring break getaway we drove down to Dallas for the weekend. We left Friday night and started our day bright and early at the Children's Aquarium at Fair Park. We met some friends who live in the area, that also have twins! It was a great place to visit. I would of just gone to pet the sting ray! I was a lot of fun.

After that we all grabbed lunch at a local Mexican restaurant, then headed over to SouthFork Ranch.

When Rennie was younger he used to watch the TV show Dallas. Actually my mom and dad watched it too, it was "must see TV" before everything was must see! My mom and dad told me they would have people over as a watch party with food just for the show. It was great TV.

Now years later they have restarted Dallas with a few of the main characters and a lot of news ones. I have been watching it and have enjoyed it. So when we went down to Dallas we toured SouthFork. It was actually kinda cool to see. I really liked it. 

We even got to meet a TV star. The actress that plays the wife of Bobby Ewing, Ann was in the gift shop. Her real name is Brenda Strong. She was gracious enough to take pictures with us all. 

It really was a great day. 

Day 73: Rallie Rolls Over (3/14)

Rallie was the first one to roll over! I was able to set up my camera and just keep it trained on her until she did it again. I am so very proud of her. She's a natural mover.

Today is 3.14 which is Pi day in math terms. So I made a homemade apple pie from scratch. Yum!

Day 72: A Morning Nap Together (3/13)

I love that they don't disturb each other. Sleeping together is something they enjoy. Thankfully this happens at night and when one wakes the other sleeps through it. We are very lucky that we have such sleepers. 

Day 71: My New iPad (3/12)

As a LMS, I was able to get a new iPad from school. We are to use them for school use but they are ours until we leave our positions as librarians in the school district. I'm excited to be able to use one. I've felt like I've never really need one buts fun to be able to test one out for a bit and see if it's an necessary tool for out house hold. I haven't let Gavin play with it yet. I don't want hi to realize it's like a big iPhone. He would take it over. I'm one lucky girl.

Day 70: Nail Art (8/11)

I can do anything fun or relaxing between the hours of 7 pm to 12 am. Other than that I am busy with twins or sleeping. :)

Day 69: Playing & Sleeping on Sunday (8/10)

This what our Sundays are beginning to look like: everyone hanging out in the living room playing or sleeping. At least we are all together and I wouldn't change it for anything. 

Day 68: Nana and Rallie (8/9)

Dana, Rye, Cort and Nana came to visit today. We all didn't have anything to do so we thought we would meet up. This is the only picture I took the entire day but it's a good one. 

I never noticed how close the names Rye and Rallie are! When they are together it's hard not to get tongue tied. Weird the things I don't notice before until I have called Rallie Rye at least a dozen times in a day. A lot like Garvis and Gavin. :)

We had lots of fun together and did a little shopping. A wonderful way to spend a Saturday. 

Day 65: Bumbo Seat (3/8)

All that belly time is starting to pay off for Rallie! She is sitting like a big girl at just 3 months. However, she can't sit there for very long she starts to lean but she does much better than Wes who only sees the floor if he sits in it. :D

Day 66 : Late Play Date (3/7)

Carter is a little boy who lives down the street. He and his dad came over for a short visit right before bed time and this is how I found them: watching a movie. Hopefully Gavin will have another friend to play with in the neighborhood. 

Day 64: $5.17 Worth of Clothes! (3/5)

Consignment shop sale! All the clothes you could fit in a brown paper bag for $3. Then I bought one more outfit to bring my total for 10 items to a whooping $5.17. Love it! Most of these clothes are brand name and look like they haven't even been worn. Great find!

Day 63: Dang Kids (3/4)

This is what happens when I am alone checking out Kindergarteners, they dump these books off the shelves and then run out of the library without even picking them off the floor. I know that they can't return them to the shelf but at least pick them off the floor!!

Day 62: Belly Time Role Change (3/3)

Usually Wes sleeps and Rallie works on lifting her head. This time roles have changed at exactly the same time. It's like they know they aren't going to work on at the same time.

Day 61: Fun Saturday (3/2)

Jason and Tommy celebrated their birthdays today. So Gavin, the twins and I loaded up and drove to Tulsa. I put Rallie in her OSU dress and then thought I would put Wes in his matching OSU shirt. I couldn't leave Gavin out, so into OSU clothes and went. Then I thought Hell, I might as well put on OSU gear too!

The picture of Rallie, Gavin and Wes was the best one! But I wanted to add a picture of my three babies.

We always take time when every cousin is together to take a picture; always oldest to youngest!

The last picture is of Rallie and Wes talking. I went to the restroom for 5 minutes and they take that time to coo and laugh at each other! I missed it but Mom and Sami said it eas really cute. Here they are making some strong eye contact.

Day 60: Dr. Seuss Day (3/1)

Tomorrow is Dr. Seuss's 104th birthday. Gavin's daycare celebrated with Dr. Seuss books, movies and games. They were also encouraged to dress silly and have crazy hair. We couldn't figure out how to dress Gavin silly but we did do crazy hair!

He LOVED it and had lots to say about it:
  • "My friends kept trying to touch it!"
  • "I have green hair. That's crazy/silly!"
  • "Hey guys, check it out!"
  • after we washed it out: "I used to have green hair, now it's yellow again."
Silly boy!