Day 27: To be at a Crossroads (6/18)

Ever wonder where the term "at a crossroad" really means? Well today I did, so I looked it up and here is what my old friend Wikipedia told me.

The term is often used metaphorically, as an abstraction of places or occasions where people meet. Unlike the terms road intersection and road junction, crossroads is used in a more figurative or poetic sense (similar to fork in the road).

As a metaphor, "to be at a crossroads" refers to any turning point with an unpredictable outcome (the literal meaning of crisis). Crossroads is also a frequent toponym, given to a hamlet located at such a junction.

It's funny I always thought that if you were at a crossroads you had some decides to make and that you knew all the options. Abruptly my family came to a crossroads. We are at a turning point in our lives that has an unpredictable outcome, meaning we have no clue where we will be at the end of the summer.  It seems our working life has all come down to this one week, and I have no control on the outcome.

I have come to find out that I am not so comfortable being at a crossroad. I like to know what's going to happen in two months, two weeks, hell even two days.

When we first got married, I thought I was comfortable being at a crossroad and I probably was! However, as the years pass and Gavin gets older, I like the idea of settling down and knowing where I am going to be in three years.

So in honor of my family's crossroads,  I took a few pictures of the railroad tracks behind our house. I love hearing the train come through during the day and sometimes at night, but I hate being stuck at the crossing when it comes through.

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