Day 45: The Oklahoma City Memorial (7/6)

Last week, Rennie and I were talking about the OKC Memorial and I found out that he has never been to the Memorial. He has been to the site but that was before the Memorial was erected and it was a fence with hundreds of thousands mementos hanging on it.

For those of you who don't know about the OKC Memorial, it was once the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. I know I can not do the story justice so to learn more go The OKC Memorial's website or just google Oklahoma City bombing.

The best way for me to describe it would be the first terrorism attack in the United States. I could write pages and pages about why, how, who and when but that's not the point of my blog.

Rennie was living in Stillwater at the time and he told me he felt the ground shake when it happen. At the time, I still lived in Florida. He followed the press, went the bombing site, and was even in Perry, OK when Timothy McVeigh was removed from the courthouse jail. 

However after 15 years, Rennie never made it to the Memorial. I went some years back with my family.

So I woke up this morning thinking I would surprise Rennie. It didn't work he had to figure it out before we even started getting around to go!

I didn't mind going back. I love history and museums. It's always good for the soul to remember. And that's exactly was the Memorial is about remembering. It walks you through the morning of the bombing, the hours, days, years afterwards and it honors those 168 who died.

It's a beautiful place to visit both inside and out. If you ever get the chance to visit it, I would do so.

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