Day 4: Window Watching (1/4)

This will probably become a morning routine! Rennie and I came up with a "divide and conquer" plan to get sleep at night. He takes a baby and goes to the futon in the office and I keep the other baby. This way we are getting up about three or four times a night instead of six or seven. The twins tend to wake each other up and are on different schedules. Plus even if we kept them together, we would still be woken up each time a baby awakes. It's not the ideal situation but it's working. 

In the morning, I feed the baby that wasn't with me through the night and then the other baby gets a new bottle. After they are content, they like to lay and look out the window. Rallie usually makes her way over to Wes and touches him in some way. It's so adorable! I don't know how she does it.

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