Day 31: Visiting Tree (1/31)

One of my friends had twins and I saw this sitting in their twins room when we came to visit and I loved the idea. So I made one of my own. I had the canvas and I went to Hobby Lobby and bought two Sharpie paint pens {brown and blue} and then three stamp pads.

A few weeks before the babies were born I drew the tree on the canvas. I used my laptop and a projector and traced it from a tree I liked on the internet. I waited to add the names and the date until the day before the twins were scheduled to come. 

As people visited us in the hospital and the first weeks at home, we had them add their finger prints to the tree. They also signed their name. I choose orange, red and yellow as the leaf colors because the babies were born during the season when leaves are falling off the trees. {My friend had green leaves but her twins were born in the spring.}

I have this hung up in the babies room and I love the way it turned out!

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