Day 112: Remembering September 11 (9/11)

Today we went to the OSU football game against Troy. It was 9/11 and there were several tributes made throughout the day. However,  my favorite was when The Spirit of Oklahoma (the OSU band) played during halftime. It was beautiful and heart-felt. 

It never ceases to amaze me when a stadium of over 13,000 people can have a moment of silence and the entire stadium in eerily quiet!

A few words that I took from the Boston Globe about Remembering 9/11:

Last Saturday, September 11th, people all over the United States and the world took time to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks which killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania nine years ago. Progress on the rebuilding of Ground Zero in lower Manhattan is now becoming more evident as One World Trade Center topped 36 stories recently, on its way to 1,776 feet by 2012. The building, formerly known as the Freedom Tower, is now growing at a rate of one floor per week, after years of political, security and financing issues plagued the $11 billion multi-building project. A push is underway in both New York and Pennsylvania to complete memorial projects before next year's 10th anniversary. Collected here are photos from this weekend's memorials and of the rebuilding progress so far.

There are 42 amazing photos if you have the chance to check out the website.

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