Day 99: New Common Occurrence (8/29)

Now that school has started, this has quickly become a common occurrence.  Eating lunch at my desk and getting ready for the next hour, the next day, the next week...

Sometimes I wonder if people know how much work goes into teaching; how many hours we spend "off the clock" working to improve. Improve our lessons, our presentation or grading papers, worrying about a student, or thinking what if I did this instead of that. I have always told people that it's more than just 40 hours a week and once you leave the building it's not really over until May.

1 comment:

  1. No i'm afraid most people don't know how much time & effort teachers put in everyday & week. Unless you do it or are married to one who does, you totally don't get it. Too bad yall don't get paid by the hour huh??
