Day 100: DOG! (8/30)

After our trips home from the City whenever we pull up my parent's driveway, the first thing Gavin does is point out the window and say "DOG!" I'll say,"No, goat!" and after saying it three or four times he starts to say goat.

Everything that is an animal is a dog to Gavin!!

 It's so fun to watch him run over to the fence so he can see the goat and today the cows walked up to us and Gavin pointed and said, "DOG!"

PS- Yea!! I made it to 100 days! OK, OK so the last twenty-ish weren't my best work but I took pictures and published them. Here's to 100 more!!

1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures! you know I read your post pretty much everyday unless, of course, I'm not able to get to a computer. Anyways...I don't comment maybe as much as I should, but know that I thouroly(sp?) enjoy the pictures and your writing! Aunt Kathy Schluge told me she reads and enjoys them too. please don't get discourage if you don't have comments, I'm thinking alot more people read this than you know!!! :) Mom
