WHAT AN AMAZING TRIP! I am not talking about the 30 hours in the car during the three day trip. The game was totally worth the entire trip. Here's our story about the Fiesta Bowl win:

We showed up to the stadium about 2 hours before game time {we were excited what can I say} and found our seats with Susan and Brian in the end zone. During this 2 hour break you can insert a small misunderstanding between Rennie and I about our seats. I think that sitting in the end-zone isn't one of the best seats in the stadium FOR ME! I can not tell where the ball is located on the field and how much gain or loss is made on the field during the play. Also the seats were directly under the jumbo-tron so when we wanted to see a replay we had to turn around to see it. Please don't take this as complaining. I wasn't, I was just stating my opinion on why the Alumni Association didn't give out what I thought could be better seats. I also couldn't tell if Weeden was passing or throwing until after the play. I guess I am so used to sitting along the side of a football field that sitting in the end-zone messed with my perceptions.

So after a quarter in these seats, Rennie finally agreed that we could move to other seats where some friends and Garvis and Sami were sitting. Honestly I could better appreciated the game from these seats. The jumbo-tron was easier to see, I could hear the announcer {the acoustics in the end-zone were apparently horrible} and I could see the play and players better. However, we were in the Stanford crowd but more about that later. So now that we were seated in our seats we could begin to watch this game.
Oh man, did we play horrible the entire game. Let me rephrase that, our OFFENSE play horrible. Our defense kept us in that game. I was so upset the entire game, upset with our team and pissed that we were going to lose this game. {I had no faith!} As the game wears down to the last seconds and Stanford is driving towards their end-zone for a field goal, Rennie says, "OK, you ready to head down?" Now I am NOT a fan of fans leaving early, I hate to do that but everyone else started down the stairs and I caved to peer pressure. Now I had the pleasure of walking down the stairs alone and all I heard all the way down were Stanford fans yelling at me for leaving early {like 0:03 is early in a game!!} but I kept my mouth shut because I agreed!
We get to the bottom of the tier and watch Stanford miss the field goal!
I was so pissed that I walked down those stairs!! Rennie turned to me and said you ready to go back? I thought Um, hell no! I just listen to those fans going down. No way was I listening to them going back up!! So we finished the game in the small area at the bottom of the stairs!
But what an amazing way to end the game! It was so worth the trip to Glendale, AZ and I am happy I was there to experience OSU's first BSC bowl game appearance.