Day 16: Another Month (11/16)

This is a blog about my life. It's not always butterflies and rainbows, no matter what my Facebook, blog or twitter may say. As a family we have our ups and downs. Everybody doesn't just want to read all the good things in life, sometimes the bad is just as interesting. Sometimes reading the bad stuff that is going on in other people's life makes your life look a little better.

Don't get me wrong, I am not writing this to make you feel better. I am documenting my life and this is a huge part of my life. 

It's somewhat of a taboo subject. People don't ask and usually don't know about it.

Rennie and I are trying for another baby. We've been trying for another baby for almost a year and a half. We have always wanted more than one child. Gavin has been such a blessing. How can we look at him and not want to have another child? We had difficulties conceiving Gavin and thought the second time would be easier. So far that could not be further from the truth. 

We are struggling again to conceive another child.  I am not going to lie, it's heartbreaking every month to know you're not pregnant. However, not as hard as it was the first time around, having Gavin makes every month much more bearable.

The picture is a chart to track my morning temperature, a basal temperature chart.  Along with infertility medicine, I also have to take my temp every morning before rising and take ovulation tests during certain days. 

It's not hard but it's not fun. Lots of women, probably more than you know, do this every month hoping to become pregnant. It's worth the intended reward. 

Hopefully one day on my blog, it's not going to be another picture of a temperature chart. One day, it's going to be a positive pregnant test. So I am ok with the work that goes into making that picture a reality. 

There is always hope and always love. 


  1. Sending you hugs for you honesty & sharing your journey with us! I will keep you in prayers, you are right there are many the have walked on the same path as you & Rennie. <3

  2. Emily, I had no idea you guys were struggling to add to your family. I know it's not something that just comes up in conversation though. You guys have the most awesome baby boy, so I can't imagine God would not want you to bring another into this world. I will be praying for a baby in your future soon!
