Day 19: The Carousel (6/10)

After spending the last couple of days doing different things, Rennie and I thought a trip to Tulsa for the day was a great way to spend some family time. We waited until Gavin was ready for his morning nap --thank goodness busy, little boys need two naps a day!!-- loaded up --because when you have a child it's never just a pick up and go kinda day anymore-- and headed to Tulsa.

We had no plans and no time schedule. I love these kinds of days just going where we want and seeing where we end up! Sometime during the day we ending up at the mall, no rhyme or reason, just somewhere to walk around and enjoy the day. I never noticed all the children's items in the mall, the rent-able strollers, the play place, the toys in the middle aisles, the ride-able train, and of course the carousel.

Sometimes I see these things and think, "Oh Gavin will enjoy these things so much when he is older!" Today it hit me, HE IS OLD ENOUGH to enjoy these things. He may not understand them or know what to expect but he will laugh and look and enjoy. He has grown so fast, sometimes I think he's still an infant. (By infant I mean: not aware of his surroundings, to young to enjoy the "big" kid things.)

Anyway, we saw the carousel and decided that Gavin had to ride it!! He got on and was smiling just sitting on the horse and hold the pole, but when the horse started to move and go up and down he loved it! He enjoyed the entire ride, whenever he saw me, he would just smile the huge (now toothy!) grin and wait until he saw me again.

Oh how I love my boys!

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